Friday, September 19, 2008

PS practice 5

I used PS to add rain and chang colour into photo to create some mood for it :)

PS practice 4

This is my new trial by usung filter in PS:

- This is the original picture

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New way to take photos

When I took these photos, I intentionally move the camera to have special effects. It is really effective when there is light of lamp or candle :). Enjoy and have fun

Photograph practice

This photos taken in the evening, I think the light is good :)

My lovely Hamster :D

I love my hamsters very much and I have taken many beautiful photos of them. I want to show you guys some of my works.

Little hammies:

Continue slide show:
- Be Map is drinking :)

- A "beautiful" sleeping figure :>

- ....eating

Thursday, August 21, 2008

PS practice 3

This work is created by filters in PS

PS practice 2

This is also another background I created by PS: